Advantages of a Swiss Highline membership:
- Help with the registration of highlines by by section managers
- Free loan of signalling material (anchor buoys, wind flags, infrared lamps, suspension ropes, taglines, winches), incl. one-way shipping.
- Liability insurance for Swiss Highline events and projects
- Highline must be publicly advertised (e.g. Whatsapp, Facebook) and accessible to members
- Material store in Käppeli near Gadmen, Canton Bern
- Discounts on the Swiss Highline Workshop, Swiss Highline Meeting and ISA Riggers Certification
- Topos of Swiss Highline areas (on request)
- Favourable bolts for initial inspections and renovations (on request)
- One tree is planted per new member
- With a membership, you support Swiss Highline to:
- representing Highlinen in Switzerland to the outside world
- act as a central contact and registration address for the FOCA and other authorities
CHF 30 per year – If you are a member of a Swiss Slackline Association or ISA Verein Association.
CHF 50 per year – For all others
Register now:
The current association year is 01.01.-31.12.
If you have any questions, please contact us: