Register Highlines

A distinction is made between mandatory registration (free of charge, 25-60 m ground height in undeveloped areas) and mandatory authorisation (subject to a fee, from 60 m ground height).

It is necessary to register (register or authorise) highlines that are considered obstacles to aviation.

For first ascents and thus the re-registration of an aviation obstacle (25-60 m height), an application must be submitted at least one week before the highline is tensioned.

For already registered highlines (25-60 m height), this can be done up to 2 working days in advance at the latest. For a weekend project, registration must therefore take place by Thursday afternoon at 16:00 at the latest. If you are unsure about the weather/spot, it is better to register too much than too little!

For highlines requiring authorisation, this must generally be done 3 weeks before the installation. Authorisation is subject to conditions, is issued in writing and is subject to a fee.

The highlines are always published on the aviation Obstacle map.

How do I register Highlines?

  1. Find out more from your Swiss Highline section manager before you sign up/register
    1. Ost- Zentralschweiz and Tessin:
      Nina Mappes, 076 720 76 34, or Andri Hofmann,
    2. Bern, Wallis und Jura (deutsch):
      Thomas Buckingham, 079 514 13 36, or Dyan Enghard, 079 860 60 19,
    3. Romandie, Wallis and Jura (french):
      Guido Haefeli, 079 321 06 50, or Zoé Sprüngli, 076 201 71 44,
  2. Prepare the following information:
    1. Surname, first name and contact (Tel) of the person responsible for the project. Expected date of installation and dismantling; is it a permanent highline?
    1. Project name
    2. Canton and commune
    3. Link to the Highline line on (Draw, then share
      -> copy link)
    4. Have clarifications already been made with the landowner?
    5. Clarifications on environmental protection made? (Cantonal and communal protection, as well as bird protection, cannot be found on
  3. Become a member of Swiss Highline.. We register highlines together with you centrally via Swiss Highline and try to find out about landowners and environmental protection – to inform highliners in Switzerland about the registration, to keep an overview of Swiss projects and to act centrally vis-à-vis the FOCA. Swiss Highline projects are also covered by our liability and legal protection insurance.

What does the licence for a highline cost?

< 60 m free of charge
> 60 – 100 m above ground: CHF 300
> 100 m above ground: CHF 400